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  1.—I hope you'll have a good journey.


  A Well done

  B Don’t mention it

  C That’s all right

  D Thank you very much

  2.I () someone () my name when I was walking in the street.

  A heard; to call

  B hear; call

  C heard; calling

  D hear; calling

  3.It is necessary () us to have plenty of exercise to keep our hair healthy.

  A of

  B for

  C with

  D to

  4.---You can hardly see the words on the blackboard, ()?

  ---(). They are too small.

  A can’t you; Yes,I can.

  B can’t you;No,I can’t.

  C can you; Yes,I can.

  D can you;No,I can’t.

  5.Mary () to see the films because she () it twice.

  A won’t go; saw

  B won’t go; will see

  C won’t go; has seen

  D didn’t go; sees

  6.The little boy got () on his birthday.

  A a numbers of presents

  B the number of presents

  C a numbers of present

  D a number of presents

  7.---How can I be a green consumer?

  ---Only buy and use things that are ().

  A causing pollution

  B tiny and clean

  C good-looking

  D environmentally friendly

  8.Please tell her () at home on Saturday.

  A stay

  B to stay

  C stays

  D staying

  9.The Yellow River is one of () in China.

  A the long river

  B the longer rivers

  C the longest river

  D the longest rivers

  10.Which of following words is a kind of vocation? () .

  A secret

  B science

  C secretary

  D secondary

  11.—Can you tell me how many English words you_____so far?

  —About 2500, I think.

  A are learning

  B have learned

  C would learn

  D learned

  12.In my day, children were_______to respect the law.

  A brought back

  B brought down

  C brought in

  D brought up


  It's time for lunch.

  A to have lunch

  B to cook lunch

  C to make lunch

  D having lunch

  14.The house is___for us to___.

  A big enough; live

  B enough big; live in

  C big enough; live in

  D enough big; live

  15.We don't know the woman ________ wants to see you.

  A she

  B which

  C whom

  D who

  16.All passengers ________ go through safety check before they take a plane.

  A can

  B may

  C must

  D ought

  17.Travelling around the world is an exciting ________ and you can learn a lot about different cultures.

  A example

  B exercise

  C experience

  D interview

  18.________ fine day it was yesterday!

  A What a

  B What

  C How a

  D How

  19.____with a difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice.

  A To face

  B Having faced

  C Faced

  20.It's foolish _____ Jack to do _____ thing.

  A for; so foolish a

  B of; such a foolish

  C of; so foolish

  D for; such a foolish



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